In the age of social media and texts, people's ability to write formally and to read longer pieces has eroded. We help educators develop their own materials that are designed to help students improve their communication and literary skills. We also have a program to teach writing called Captions.
Many school districts in the U.S. and around the world use outdated materials, such as 25-year-old biology books. Our team includes medical professionals, science writers, curriculum specialists, and iBook app developers ready to assist you in creating engaging materials that will peak your students' curiosity.
Although mathematics is a universal language, it is presented differently around the world. Using culturally-relevant and real-world ideas from around the globe, let us help you develop materials that have shown most effective in maintaining students' interest in math.
History is often presented in a dry manner in which students are disconnected from events. Let us help you create materials that engage your students, showing them the relevance of people's ideas throughout human history.
Our specialty! We create materials incorporating technology that allows students to learn to speak and enunciate correctly, respond appropriately, write correctly, as well as read with fluency and expression. We can help you to produce materials that align to both the Common Core and to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills.
One of the keys to student success includes parent involvement. We partner with learning specialists from around the world to share their expertise and understanding of students within their own cultures and to pass this information on to parents in a clear manner.